Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Boxes, boxes and bills

Slowly boxing things up for the loft, mild panic continues as I keep reminding myself just what I've got myself into.

Went to Ian & Bex's house for tea, DVDs, cards and other such games and asked lots of awkward questions about Australia. Hope I know just what I need to do! :0 Tried out the Beeb's new ERadio service on DCable (VirginMedia): Very good, but I discovered a teeny palette issue that is only noticable when the brightness is turned up to 11. Emailed Farah, who probably now hates me! :P

Bills etc being transferred, adjusted etc. Took car to Honda for its first service - the cheeky blighters at Honda charged me ten squids for the "Free Courtesy Car" grrr. Other than that, all ok. Was given a black manual Jazz as the courtesy car which caused much confuzzlement, as my Jazz is an auto. No stalling thank goodness! :D

Dave popped by to return the fold-up bed that was borrowed. Pushed my "Essential Linux Administration" book onto him (I reckon he's gonna need it in his new job! :) ) then inflicted a game of cards ("sh*thead") on him.

My phone is now PAYG. Orange have really gone downhill... their computers weren't working when I called their offshore callcentre. They've even changed their automated voice girl from a rather schexy posh woman to someone ("Ruth") who sounds dizzy and ineffectual. See my rant on The Register's comments section:

Promise to try to be a bit more coherent from now on in this blog. This prolly won't be made of complete and correct sentences until I've settled down a bit whilst out there.

Lots of love,
