I’ve just seen the newly-released-to-Australia St Trinian’s film. Drawn as I was to supporting English cinema, it wasn’t the cinematic event of the year. However, it did make me giggle :)
Interestingly, I found the moments of high hilarity (ie: comedic moments of widdlesome proportions) weren't always shared with my Australian audience. Likewise, they laughed at things that just weren’t funny. It’s weird being the only one laughing at something that is guaranteed humorous back home.
Perhaps it was down to the clever writing, perhaps it was the sweet release of English Humour that I crave (and find in short supply), or maybe it was the copious amount of Red Bull I drank before the trailers, yet I thought it was definitely worth the trip across town* :)
The only major complaint I have – other than at the end, someone who looks dangerously like Peter Mandelson has a bit-part – is that it can’t decide which sort of film to be. Part of the time it’s a children’s film with subtle adult humour to keep the parents happy. Other times it’s more adult, then veers off to Mission Impossible! Whether originally intended as a children’s or older, the Australians gave it a certificate “M”…
On the way home, I fell into a rowdy bus of Americans, playing a variant of Cheddar Gorge but to a series of tappings and slappings. CraZy! Don't they know the rules?
*Double points awarded to Russell Brand’s character’s attempts at playing a German (to persuade someone that he was a famous art dealer) that were clearly modelled on Lt Grüber from Allo Allo. Unfortunately, these points were deducted for excessive product placement.
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