Yesterday I spent a pleasant lunchtime sitting by the wharf watching from afar a self-propelled cherry-picker being repeatedly driven into a metal pole - as well as the expressions on the faces of the people trying to eat lunch on the balcony supported said pole! The two workmen seemed somewhat confuzzled as to how they'd got themselves stuck, especially as they couldn't get off of the cherry-picker to find out until they'd rounded the corner they were trapped in :P
Contact Kerfuffles
The other day, my boss gave me his business card so I could get his phone number and email. I took the details down, left it on my desk and promptly forgot about it. Boss walks by, sees it and decides to tease me ; "Greg, don't you want my business card?".
I pick up my book, open it up and say "Thank you, but I've already got one", waving the dog-eared LittleWok Japanese restaurant business card that lived within to hold the page. Boss looked hurt and took his card back! :P
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