Sunday, 21 October 2007

House found!

I think I've found somewhere to stay! (yes, yes, I've said this before :D) It's in Wollstonecraft, just over the Harbour Bridge (15 mins by train to Town Hall station where the Pyrmont express bus leaves). There are two women there, the room is a nice size and the apartment is clean. I've met the owner, who seems pleasantly friendly, albeit very focused on her numerous jobs :)

Tomorrow I shall hopefully meet the other flatmate and sort out the official arrangements.

[phonetic]I've stull gut un awfud cowd.[/phonetic] The sniffles just won't shift. Paracetemol will hopefully come to the rescue, as Aussie Vicks sniffy sticks are considerably stronger than their UK counterparts, leaving my nose on fire! Not gunna stick that up meh nose again!